The Lionsden

The Lionsden

ME/CFS - Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

Not long ago I sat in front of the computer monitor in tears. I was watching Youtube videos of people suffering from ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). As I sat there watching the videos I reminisced back to July of 2001 when I sat in front of my computer searching the internet for answers. As a result of my research, I was very much convinced (at that time) that my dilemma was a result of mercury poisoning from my dental fillings (what my dentist referred to as silver fillings). My health was deteriorating rapidly and I knew I had precious little time to get some answers before I crashed completely. Compounding my dilemma was electrical sensitivity which drastically limited the time I could spend at a computer.

Hello, my name is Aletha (Maisie). I am a survivor of ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. As I write this (January 9, 2014) I have been on a difficult journey to rid my body of all the heavy metal and chemical toxins. The journey has lasted almost 12 1/2 years and I believe I have found a cure for ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. I know that must sound very presumptuous on my part, but all I can say is - "the proof is in the pudding". Regardless of what you may be thinking, with confidence, I can say that I have discovered a viable solution for the maladies.

If you are looking for a quick and easy solution for ME/CFS and fibromyalgia you won't find it on this website. What you will find is a simple explanation of what ME/CFS and fibromyalgia are and how they can affect one's body. You will discover what could very well be the cause of your illness if you are afflicted with either. And, you will be shown a simple, practical and effective treatment for them both.

Following the outline of treatment I have proposed on this website will require discipline and determination on your part. Chances are, you did not contract ME/CFS or fibromyalgia overnight, and overcoming them is not likely to be resolved overnight. But hopefully you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and you are ready to do whatever you must to conquer this giant in your own life.

I have purposely designed this website to be simple because chances are you are operating on 1/2 to 1/3 of your brain since your cognitive functions are most likely to be greatly impaired and 'brain fog' has set in. If so, then reading and understanding what normally is found on the internet can be a serious challenge for you. You, too, could be experiencing 'electrical sensitivity' so the time you can spend in front of a computer monitor can be very limited also.

This website offers a simple, yet detailed, alternative approach to the treatment of ME/CFS and/or fibromyalgia. 'Alernative' meaning different from the mainstream medical procedures designed to treat ME/CFSand fibromyalgia, most of which are still in experimental phase and all medical science can do for you is treat the symptoms not focus on the cause.

On the website I share with you each step I took on my own personal Road to Recovery from ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. I included a few websites that may be helpful to you in your research. You will also find a list of resources for your own personal study and application. What's more, my daughter-in-law's road to recovery from fibromyalgia is and will continue to be highlighted on these pages. Click here to read about her adventure.

I pray this website can bring hope into what may seem to you a hopeless situation. I pray you are willing to roll up your sleeves and get to work to regain your own health. All I can do is point you to the Road to Recovery that was paved out for me and for Shannon (the daughter-in-law) with God's help. Whether you take a similar path is up to you, but hopefully these pages can get you started in the right direction to wellness.

I ask my readers to be patient with me, and understand that this website is under construction and probably will be until my dying breath.

From its inception I have focused on ridding my body of heavy metals, believing if I succeed in that, then I can rid my body of ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. I purposely made myself a guinea pig to prove that cleansing my body of the heavy metals would in fact eliminate those two autoimmune diseases.

I wanted to be able to say to you, “I understand what you are battling because I have been there. And, let me share with you how to conquer these maladies in your own life.”

At present I can say that there apparently is not only an effective treatment for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia but there is indeed a probable cure. Yes, that is a very presumptuous statement, but hopefully I will be able to convince you that it is very possible.

I no longer have the symptoms of ME/CFS or Fibromyalgia. In the process of ridding my body of heavy metals, and building up my immune system (diet and nutrition played a big part) I not only eliminated those two autoimmune diseases, but I also dumped Lupus symptoms. Also, I now test negative for Lyme’s disease and Epstein Barr virus.

It may sound incredulous, but I’m simply here to share with you what I have experienced over the last 20 years of study, research and application.

My road to wellness, though it’s come a long way, is not complete. In this journey I discovered I have three other diseases - two autoimmune diseases (Sjögrens Syndrome and polymyositis) and dysautonomia. So, as I continue ridding my body of heavy metals, my goal is to deal the Sjogrens Syndrome and the polymyositis a death blow. (I have my doubts that the dysautonomia can be eliminated.)

Like I said, I’ve come a long way on my journey to wholeness and I am encouraged to press on toward that goal. You may be saying, “But 20 years?” That is a legitimate question. I don’t think it would have taken me 20 years to get to where I am if I had begun the intensive detoxing of heavy metals sooner. For 10 years (2002-2012) I thought that my body would naturally detox the heavy metals on its own. After all, I had the amalgams removed and I was eating healthy. My health was improving significantly and it continued to improve. But then it stopped improving. I not only reached a plateau but I noticed my health began to decline.

It was then that I pursued a more proactive approach and began the intensive detoxification of heavy metals and other toxins. Do I regret that decision? Not at all! It’s wonderful to be free of chronic sore throats, chronic headaches, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and the chronic depression. Furthermore, I’m not on any meds. I seldom need an Advil for pain.

Prior to my CRASH I would get sick on a regular basis. At present, I can’t remember the last time I was sick (except for a couple of days I think I had an asymptomatic case of COVID-19). And, even though it is a very slow process my Sjogrens and polymyositis symptoms are not as severe.

I need to mention that I feel sure that my health began to deteriorate because of a stressful job which exposed me to pesticides on a regular basis. So I quit the job and began the intensive detoxing regimen.



  • Often I refer to my CRASH on this website. That refers to a severe health crises that I experienced in July of 2001.
  • MT is an abbreviation I otentimes use in place of 'muscle testing'.