The Lionsden

The Lionsden

Chemical Sensitivity

Tobacco smoke, perfumes, make-up, potpouri, scented candles, insecticides, dyes and some paints were (and still are) culprits in my life.

I wasn't a universal reactor as yet but my naturopath told me I was on the road to becoming one. In my studies I learned the plight of those who are universal reactors and I thank God that I did not reach that point. A universal reactor is someone who will have a reaction to just about everything. A universal reactor, as a general rule, can only wear clothing that is 100% cotton - preferably organic, unbleached, undyed cotton - and must stay away from synthetic materials. Universal reactors are restricted in many cases to living in an environment of natural wood - furniture, flooring, wall covering. Even their automobile has to be stripped down to the bare metal - vinyl, synthetics and plastics have to be removed.

Any amount of time in a retail store because of the dyes, candles, perfumes, etc would cause terrible headaches for me.