The Lionsden

The Lionsden


I can't say that the headaches were migraines, but they were debilitating. When they came on I knew I would be wiped out for at least 24 hours. Nothing I did would alleviate them. I simply went to bed and rode out the storm. They were always on the right side (mainly top) of my head. (The same side as the earaches.)

I wish I had done a better job of journaling the headaches, because I would like to be able to tell you when they stopped. I suffered with them for several years prior to the CRASH.

Headaches, like depression, can have a myriad of causes. They are complex to say the least. It is now almost 20 years down my road of recovery and the only time I experience a headache (and they are very slight) is when my body is dehydrated due to Sjogren’s. I am pretty sure they are due to chronic sinusitis which is associated with the Sjogren’s. Often I awake during the night with a slight headache because it is impossible to stay hydrated during the night. Once I get hydrated (drinking around 30 ounces of water) I can usually get back to sleep.

Taking a timed-release vitamin C before bedtime is a big deterrent to having a headache during the night since sinusitis and dehydration seem to go hand-in-hand.