The Lionsden

The Lionsden

December 2013


Shannon has difficulty assimilating certain minerals so I searched to find a copper supplement that would work well for her.  I used muscle testing to determine this and the one I found was at Vitamin Life.  She knows she is needing copper because she had a blood test run recently and it indicated her need for copper.

All supplements are not created equal.  It is important to find one that is good for your body.  When Dr. Dalton told me to start on an iodine supplement he gave me two choices - I Throid and Iodoral.  When I went to health store I tested myself for the Iodoral and my body did not want it.  When I tested for the I-Throid my body said 'yes' to it.

Shannon is testing that she needs IP6 which is an indication that she is battling cancer. (IP6 is Inositol Hexaphosphate and it inhibits the growth of abnormal cells.)  Muscle testing says her cancer is in her liver.  When I announced to her that she has liver cancer she says, "Everyone has cancer cells, and it is a result of toxins in the body so if I get rid of the toxins then I can beat the cancer."  I agreed, but knowing the degree of cancer in her body ran up red flags.  Understand, I am learning about muscle testing (MT) and it was a strange thing to me to be asking questions like, "What stage is Shanon's liver cancer?"  I am still leary of deriving information via muscle testing, especially when it comes to diagnosing cancer in a person's body, but Shannon did not argue with my findings.  She is capable of muscle testing herself, which she did.  Neither of us want to chance it.  If we are getting the same answers when each of us muscle test, then we simply must not ignore our findings.  So we are getting most serious about getting rid of the toxins.

So what I do next is to find the IP6 that will work well for her body.


Kenny and I recently traveled over 500 miles to Phil and Shannon's and I took the Ioncleanse unit to her since it will be helpful in detoxifying.  She did one session during the three days we were there visiting and it was a bit hard on her so I muscle tested to determine what she needs to do to be able to handle the sessions.  She apparently has a pre rheumatoid arthritic condition (per MT) and the Ioncleanse is most beneficial to alleviate the arthritis.  Since the water from the session was orange that indicates that it is pulling out toxins in that area which is a good sign.  However, she experienced immediate headaches and frequent bowel movements immediately following the session.  The bowel movements are a good thing per MT.  Apparently mega toxins were turned loose and the bowels were working overtime to rid the body of them.  The bowel condition continued for over twelve hours after the Ioncleanse session and interfered with her sleep.

MT indicated that the headaches were indication of dehydration.  The dehydration is very common when the body is doing some serious detoxifying.   She wasn't able to drink enough water during the day to keep the headache from worsening.   Finally she had to take 2 Aleve at 2 a.m. to get rid of the horrendous headache and get some sleep.

The Ioncleanse sessions will be very helpful to her so I muscle tested to determine how to make them more bearable.  The instruction book that accompanies the Ioncleanse says that supplementation of electrolytes would be beneficial so I did the testing and it indicated she needs to drink 16 ounces of Pedialyte during the ion session.  She will also need to take 4 ounces of New Vision minerals before the session and drink 35 ounces of Natural Spring water immedicately after the session.  Doing all this should alleviate the headache problem.  Surely do hope so.


At present she REALLY needs to get her body PH balanced.  To help do that she needs to be drinking Natural Spring water.  No other water out there will work better than it to help balance the PH.  She is taking a PH Balancer that will help, but since she will need to be drinking sufficient amounts of water she needs to drink alkaline water.  She must not be drinking the tap water which is well water.  Reverse Osmosis water would be better than the well water, but the Natural Spring water will be far better for her than the RO least for now since she really needs to get her PH balanced.  I can remember my ND telling me over and over, "Disease cannot thrive in an alkaline state."  And, if Shannon is battling cancer then she must really concentrate on the acidity in her body.  MT indicates Natural Spring water benefit is  at 12.5 on scale of one to ten.  Go figure.  The benefit of the RO water in alkalyzing her body is at a 7.0 and the well water has no benefit at all since it is too acidic.  Muscle testing also indicates that the well water has parasites in it.


I had ordered Shannon two body soaks that MT indicates she is needing - the parasite cleanse and the liver cleanse.  It also indicates she needs to complete them both before she commences doing the heavy metal/chemical cleanse (the COF 130-EX).


While we were there those three days, I was pretty busy helping Shannon get organized.  We cleaned out a storage closet to make room for all her stuff -  the epsom salts, the Dead Sea Salts, the DNR body soaks, the Ioncleanse unit, the enema equipment.

I was most happy to learn that she had already done several coffee enemas.  She found that her body was needing them during a fast that she did and also after a massage as well.  There isn't anything better to detox the liver than good ol' coffee enemas.  Her willingness to do them tells me she is VERY serious about her road to recovery.

Since the infrared saunas will also be an important part of her recovery she ordered one to put in her bedroom so she won't have to drive an hour to get them done.  It will be a very valuable investment.  I thank God that Dr. Dalton clued us in to the benefit of infrared saunas.  He said, "There's nothing better for detoxing than the infrared sauna."

I spent some time helping her clean out her medicine/supplement shelves.  We filled a trash bag of supplements and medicines that muscle tesing indicated were no longer good and needed to be thrown away. Then we muscle tested to determine the level of need for the supplements she is pressently taking.  Bless her heart.  She is presently taking 28 different supplements and needing all of them  at a '10' or more (with exception of one).  She was hoping she could eliminate some of them.  As she proceeds down this road of recovery she will be able to do that, but it will take perseverance and time before that happens.

I also helped her get started on her own personal journal, especially in logging what she is taking and what she will be doing.


Shannon's journal entry: "Echo-cardiogram done today because the doctor saw something irregular during my wellness/papsmear visit.  Results inconclusive.  I was concerned because at times when I have tried running I have felt pain in my chest.  I never really thought it was my heart.  It really is best described as all of my lymph nodes along that area (chest and under arms) have sharp pains."

Maisie's note:  When I muscle test Shannon it says that the pain is thyroid related and that taking the I-Throid will solve the problem eventually.